350 rub
Journal №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Formation of strained and highly doped germanium layers
R.I. Batalov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, E.K. Zavoyskii Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS E-mail: batalov@kfti.knc.ru R.M. Bayazitov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, E.K. Zavoyskii Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Kazan State Power Engineering University E-mail: batalov@kfti.knc.ru I.A. Faizrakhmanov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Chief Research Scientist, E.K. Zavoyskii Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS E-mail: batalov@kfti.knc.ru G.D. Ivlev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Currently an actual problem of micro- and optoelectronics is a creation of tensile-strained and highly-doped Ge layers. In this work a method to produce such layers are offered which include ion-beam sputtering of composite Sb/Ge target, deposition of sputtered substance as a thin amorphous Ge:Sb film (~ 200 nm) onto the different substrates (silicon, sapphire, quartz) and its crystallization by pulsed laser annealing. It is shown that the combination of ion-beam sputtering and pulsed laser annealing leads to introduction of increased levels of tensile strain (up to 1%) into polycrystalline Ge films and obtaining uniformly doped Ge:Sb layers with high degree of dopant electrical activation. It is expressed in the low film resistance (up to 40 Ohm/) and extremely high electron concentration ( up to 5.5×1020 cm-3) reached at quartz substrate.
Pages: 32-38


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