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Journal №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Threshold characteristics of the double gate symmetric MOSFETs nanotransistor with a Gaussian vertical doping profile
N.V. Masalskii - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), the Manager Sector, Research Institute for System Studies of RAS, Moscow. E-mail: volkov@niisi.ras.ru
Approach for 2D simulation of surface potential distribution and threshold voltage for the double gate symmetric SOI CMOS nano-transistor with a vertical Gaussian doping profile in work area is discussed. The model is based on the analytical solution of a 2D Pois-son\'s equation. By means of numerical modeling influence of the steepness of a doping profile and topological transistor parameters on surface potential distribution and threshold voltage is probed. It is received that application of a steep Gaussian doping profile sig-nificantly reduces shift of threshold voltage upon transition to lower topological norms. Results of simulation are in good compliance this received by means of commercially available ATLAS program.
Pages: 45-51


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