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Journal №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Features of phase interfaces in nanosized polymer layers of planar Si-PTFE-PE+AlCl3 heterostructure
aluminum chloride
gas phase
laser processing
A.A. Rogachev - Ph.D. (Eng), Senior Research Scientist, Belarusian State University of Transport, Homel
A.I. Egorov - Ph. D.(Eng), Senior Research Scientist, Francysk Skaryna Homiel State University
Р.А. Luchnikov - Senior Research Scientist, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radioengineering and Electronics
Liu Zhubo - Senior Research Scientist, Francysk Skaryna Homiel State University
The effect of the phase boundaries in the structure formation of polymer layers in the composite heterostructure Si-PTFE-PE+AlCl3 were investigated. The morphology and molecular structure of the polymer and nanocomposite coatings formed from volatile products electron beam dispersion of polyethylene and aluminum chloride by condensation on the surface of the silicon substrate and the silicon with layer of polytetrafluoroethylene, deposited from the active gas phase were determined. It is found, that coatings deposited from dispersion products of PE+AlCl3 mixture in all dispersion modes has a surface roughness much less than for monocomponent PE films. Irradiation of target by laser leads to an increase of grain size. Composite coating PE+AlCl3 deposited on the PTFE layer has a higher crystallinity compared to the PE+AlCl3 coating deposited on silicon substrate. Aluminum chloride introduced into the layer of polyethylene fragments initiates the formation of carbocations that stimulate an ion-molecule polymerization processes.
Pages: 29-37
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