350 rub
Journal №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Multygate 3D transistor with field modulation of negative charged excitons transport
L.I. Gursky - Corresponding Member NANB, BGUIR
G.V. Krylova - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, BGU
Multigate field-effect 3D-transistor (3D-T) on the base of 3D-exciton-dielectric structure with nanoscale layers is discussed. This structure uses a nanoporous alumina sublayer located on low-dimensional tantalum oxide and covered by iron-contained low-dimensional conductive ultrathin Langmuir-Blodgett film. Layered system of nanoporous alumina - low-dimensional tantalum oxide have obtained by anodization of aluminum, located on Ta underlayer. Field effect 3D-T differs from the known structures by layered type gate of the active region in the heterostructure. Multigate 3D-T has a field control stabilized by a low-dimensional transport of negatively charged excitons in the gate electrode - gate nanoscale layers.
Pages: 28-32

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