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Journal №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Effect of mollecular additives on interior stress decrease in nanostructured sol-gel PZT films
P.Р. Lavrov - Рost-graduate Student, Stagier-Researcher, MGTU MIREA. Е-mail: lavrov@mirea.ru
A.V. Kornyukhin - Рost-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA. Е-mail: lavrov@mirea.ru
A.V. Kornyukhin - Рost-graduate Student, MGTU MIREA. Е-mail: lavrov@mirea.ru
Piezoelectric films with the thickness of 1-10 μm are used in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Sol-gel lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film is promising material for MEMS applications due to relatively simple preparation technique, high piezoelectric and electrical properties. However, the layer-by-layer deposition of thick PZT films is a challenge as a result of single layer thickness limitation from 90 to 200 nm. An effect of molecular additives on the thickness and microstructure of sol-gel PZT films is discussed. The main approaches to an increase of PZT film piezoelectric properties by means of enhancing the preferential crystallographic orientation are reviewed.
Pages: 24-28
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