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Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
About the influence of stationary and electron beam heating on electrophysical characteristics nanoscaled sol-gel alumina films
sol-gel technology
electron beam processing
atomic-force microscopy
capacitor-voltage characteristics
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
E.V. Lugovoy, S.P. Avdeev, P.V. Serba, M.V. Rubashkina, V.V. Tkachuk
The article comprises the features of the influence of the stationary and the local thermal effects in vacuum formed on the electrical characteristics of sol-gel films on the basis of aluminum oxide on silicon substrates. As a film-forming basis it is selected aluminum isopropoxide, which allows obtaining high purity boehmite xerogel. The formation of Al2O3 is indicated by ellipsometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on films synthesized by sol-gel method and formed by thermal vacuum annealing by electron beam treatment. It is determined that the effective value of roughness of synthesized films decreases from 1,1 to 0,5 nm with increasing the annealing temperature from 200 to 1000 °C. This allows producing of high-quality epitaxial structures of alumina on the surfaces of formed films.It is considered that dielectric conductivity of sol-gel films after annealing in vacuo at 23 ... 26 % is smaller than the dielectric constant of single crystal of sapphire.
Pages: 30-35
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