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Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Formation and structure of the zinc sulphide coatings deposited via electron-beam evaporation of components
M.A. Yarmolenko, A.A. Rogachev, A.V. Rogachev, D.L. Gorbachev
The features of the chemical composition and structure of the coatings deposited via electron beam evaporation of the dispersed mixture of sulfur and zinc were examined. The multistage of evaporation process and mixtures formation at the initial stage stream consisting predominantly of sulfur were established. It is shown that the selectivity of the evaporation component is adjusted by the introduction of the copper into target. In this case, the sulfur content in the coating increasing, while the copper in coating is not presented. The coatings are characterized by high chemical and structural homogeneity. When sputtering a mixture of powders of copper and zinc sulfide deposited films have a crystallite size significantly above the size of the crystallites coatings deposited from a powder mixture of zinc and sulfur. Heating the substrate during deposition initiates the formation of coarse grains with an average size greater than 30 nm, and especially in thin layers.
Pages: 22-28
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