350 rub
Journal №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Application of nonlinear optics methods for diagnostics of nanostructures parameters
S.A. Dubyanskiy
The paper discusses issues of nonlinear optics methods applicability to the nanostructures diagnostics by way of example of nanoporous structures which are known as and represent a great scientific interest and have various practical applications. In particular, the effectiveness of such nonlinear optics method as CARS spectroscopy is demonstrated for diagnostics of the state of the matter in nanoporous glass matrix. The experimental results are shown and analysis of carbon dioxide CARS spectra shapes in nanoporous glass samples with average pore diameters 4 nm and 7 nm is pereformed The measurements were carried out at room and trancritical temperatures. The peculiarities of spectra shapes caused by existence of two main contributions into spectrum linked to response of the adsorbed and condensed phases of carbon dioxide are discussed. The accordance of CO2 CARS spectrum shape at subcritical temperatures with the effect of the critical point shift in nanopores is shown. Finally the CARS Spectroscopy methods are recommended to be implemented while development of standard procedures of nanostructures parameters diagnostics.
Pages: 43-48
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