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Journal №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Features of electrical properties of nanoporous silica films
sol-gel method
pore structure
dielectric constant
refractive index
surface active agent
A.S. Vishnevskiy, P.P. Lavrov, D.S. Seregin
The results of the ellipsometric and electrophysical investigations of nanoporous silica thin films of two types having different presence of the methyl group in the silica matrix have been studied in this work. The films were formed on a silicon substrate by the spin-coating of the sol-gel solution. The pore structure in the films was formed by the imprinting method using the surface active agent (commercial name is Brij-30). The efficiency of the methyl modification of the films has been shown which leads to decrease the amount of the adsorbed water and to stabilize the electrophysical properties. The upper limit of the concentration of Brij-30 in the coating solution to form homogeneous films has been experimentally determined to be 75 wt%. The dielectric constant and the refractive index are decreasing practically linearly with increasing concentration of the porogen in the coating solution within the limits from 0 to 75 wt%. The increase of the content of Brij-30 up to 75 wt% allows us to decrease ε from 3,5 to 2 after annealing at 350 °С and from 3,2 to 1,8 after annealing at 400 °С and to decrease n from 1,375 to 1,171 and from 1,363 to 1,172 respectively.
Pages: 13-20
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