A. Yu. Fedorinov1, V. V. Perlyuk2
1,2 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 Fedorinov.aleksey@mail.ru, 2 perlvv@mail.ru
A modern solution to navigation problems using satellite systems is impossible without time synchronization on satellite boards. Consideration of modern methods and approaches in the field of clock synchronization becomes the purpose of the study. The analysis will allow us to put forward a new method for solving the problem of time synchronization on satellite boards. The use of the proposed methods will improve the accuracy of the system as a whole. Time synchronization for satellites in an orbital group is important both for providing grouping management capabilities and for solving the tasks of autonomous operation of microsatellites. However, the existing time synchronization methods are not suitable for grouping of microsatellites, since they require too much “manual” control and take up too many resources from ground control systems. However, time synchronization in the grouping can be carried out autonomously in orbit by synchronizing the clocks of other satellites with the clocks of the selected satellite. To independently establish and maintain time synchronization in a group of microsatellites, we offer a compact time difference compensation system, which is a means of controlling onboard timers that dynamically adjust the satellite reference frequency in accordance with the time difference with other satellites.
Fedorinov A.Yu., Perlyuk V.V. Investigation of a time synchronization algorithm for a low-orbit grouping of microsatellites. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2023. V. 21. № 4. P. 58−69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202304-08 (in Russian)
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