Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
System of automated control of the state of smooth-walled surfaces of products
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 004.921

T.I. Lapina, A.L. Zhelanov

 South-West State University (Kursk, Russia)


Currently, the overwhelming majority of cylindrical products are made by means of plastic processing by cutting, rolling, pressing or forging. Cylindrical products in the form of rolled products and products from it (shafts, pipes, tanks, tanks, fuel tanks and other structures with smooth-walled surfaces) are widely used in mechanical engineering, aerospace, shipbuilding, where thin-walled circular cylindrical shell structures are used. For guaranteed trouble-free operation of such products, it is necessary to identify unacceptable defects both at the production stage and during operation. Currently, these problems are solved by means of nondestructive testing of cylindrical structures, the main advantage of which is non-contact.

However, the possibility of detecting exclusively surface and near-surface defects, as well as interfering factors in the form of edge effects, surface roughness, surface roughness, reduce the reliability of these methods.

This article proposes a method for monitoring the state of large-size smooth-walled surfaces, for example. thin-walled designs of fuel tanks, by identifying areas of vulnerability or reference points.

The method consists in the selection of informative parameters of the quality of the state or the manufacture of large-sized smoothwalled surfaces, for example. thin-walled structures of fuel tanks, by identifying areas of vulnerability. The so-called reference points, which determine the weakest points of the structure, are distinguished by determining the initial irregularities in the shape of smoothwalled surfaces, measured over the entire surface of the structure in several interconnected sections. The received data is converted and processed for use in an automated sampling or acceptance control system.

In the course of the research, the means and methods of organizing the control of smooth-walled surfaces based on changes in the surface shape were developed. The technical result of the proposed approach is to increase the reliability of decision-making when monitoring the integrity of a controlled large-sized smooth-walled structure or admitting a product to a batch during acceptance control.

As a result of the research, an approach was proposed to the construction of systems for automated monitoring of the state of largesize smooth-walled surfaces.

Pages: 5-13
For citation

Lapina T.I., Zhelanov A.L. System of automated control of the state of smooth-walled surfaces of products. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2021. V. 26. № 2. P. 5−13. DOI: (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 22.02.2021 г.
Approved after review: 16.03.2021 г.
Accepted for publication: 07.04.2021 г.