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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Method for synthesis of information-learning systems (simulator) troubleshooting in radio-electronic objects
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202101-02
UDC: 519.856

L.E. Mistrov¹

1 VUNC VVS "VVA", Central branch of RGUP (Voronezh, Russia)


Complication and fault tolerance of the equipment of complex radio-electronic objects (REO), incomplete coverage by means of internal diagnostic control of possible failures, the absence or presentation by the developers of diagnostic charts of troubleshooting in a tabular form, as well as the considerable remoteness of stationary points for carrying out control and diagnostic operations on them determined the prerequisites for the development of information and training systems (IOS) or simulators. The purpose of their development is to increase the efficiency of troubleshooting the equipment of electronic equipment in the places of their operation and the direct training of maintenance specialists.

 The IOS development method represents a system of approaches, principles, mathematical methods, models and techniques united by the unity of purpose for determining the laws of transformation of input information and justification based on the results obtained in terms of the maximum likelihood of trainees fulfilling the assigned tasks of troubleshooting in the electronic equipment for its optimal appearance (composition, technical characteristics and algorithms of functioning). In this case, the appearance of an IOS is structurally presented as a hierarchical system of functional elements for modeling parts (in the form of subsystems, complexes), components (means), functional blocks, boards and nodes of a specific REO, which are software equivalents of its control systems, information support and execution.

The basis of the IOS synthesis is formed by the results of the analysis of a priori information on faults in the structure of complex electronic equipment. Using the methods of hierarchical decomposition and invariant immersion, a fault tree is formed in the structure of the REO at the levels of parts, components and functional blocks, boards and nodes. It is carried out on the basis of the sign of recognition of inhomogeneity (faults differ in time), eccentricity (the occurrence of several faults at the same time) and nonstationarity (various changes in the fault flow density are possible) of faults, their classification into elementary, group and multiple, which allows the method of systematic cover to form options for the structural and functional appearance of the IOS. The search for a solution is based on the use of graph theory, dynamic programming methods, branches and boundaries to substantiate the optimal (shortest) troubleshooting path by representing the elements of the REO structure in the IOS in the form of graph vertices and links (in the form of arcs) between them, identifying inherent in this level one or another malfunction. Information about faults in the IOS is formed on the basis of analysis, justification and optimization of troubleshooting functions using builtin diagnostic control points formed by a set of diagnostic tools built into the hardware and additional diagnostic control points (dialogue), decisions about faults in which are made in semi-automatic mode or manually trainees using general purpose test equipment. The search for the optimal solution is carried out on the basis of the formation of the region of feasible solutions formed on the Euler-Venn diagram in the form of the intersection of the troubleshooting functions and justification by the maximum element method of the optimal solution to eliminate the identified faults.

The implementation of the method makes it possible to solve a complex multi-parameter optimization problem of troubleshooting in complex REO of a given subject area and to justify the requirements for the appearance of an IOS when developing a technical task for its development.

Pages: 14-35
For citation

Mistrov L.E. Method for synthesis of information-learning systems (simulator) troubleshooting in radio-electronic objects. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2021. V. 19. № 1. P. 14−35. DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202101-02 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 29.11.2020
Approved after review: 16.12.2020
Accepted for publication: 13.01.2021