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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of preprocessing of a signal on a basis of wavelet transforms of the observable data
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202006-01
UDC: 621.391

Aleksandr V. Turgumbaev¹

 1 MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia) 1



Distinctive feature of modern means of radio monitoring is realization of the spectral analysis by the panoramic parallel-serial review of a wide strip of frequencies. Thus procedures of detection of signals and estimation of their parameters in the given means are realized on the basis of the algorithms operating with coordinates of entrance process, the discrete transformation of Fure (DTF) presented in basis that well approaches for processing traditional, existing on all interval of supervision of signals. However, the growth which has outlined in last years of a share of radio-electronic means (REM), functioning in mode frequency-hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS), promotes increase in probability of supervision in a strip of the simultaneous review of modern panoramic receivers appearing and (or) disappearing during an interval of the analysis of the signals named the short-lived.

Processing of similar signals by means of the traditional algorithms based on the spectral analysis of all time accepted during a fixed interval in the set strip of frequencies of entrance process, leads to decrease in indicators of quality of detection-estimation as in formation of decisions, together with alarm, will take part and only noise components of observable realization.

For improvement of quality of preprocessing in the conditions of the difficult electromagnetic conditions sated with radiations REM with FHSS, estimation of position of a signal within a supervision time interval that it is essentially impossible to carry out on the basis of the analysis of the results discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is necessary. The similar problem can be solved by means of the wavelet transform (WT) device which by some deterioration of the permission on frequency, in comparison with DFT, gives to carry out the analysis of entrance process in more informative time-and-frequency area.

The author in article results the decision of a problem of statistical synthesis and the analysis statistical characteristics the sufficient statistics optimum in sense of the maximum credibility of algorithm of joint detection and estimation of parameters of the short-lived radio signal based on multichannel processing of wavelet factors of the observable data. By results of the researches spent in article it is established that:

  1. Procedure of optimum detection-estimation on the basis of WT is carried out by formation separately for each time scale of is maximum-plausible sufficient statistics, its maximization on all possible values of estimated informative parameters and comparisons with a threshold. In the presence of components of a useful signal within the allocated scale of value of estimations are fixed and upon termination of consideration of all scales are averaged.
  2. The sufficient statistics of algorithm has beta distribution – no central at a hypothesis about presence of a signal and central – at a hypothesis about its absence. Distribution parameters are defined by quantity of existential channels of sufficient statistics.
  3. In case of the big relations a signal-noise the detection threshold is calculated on the set probability of a false alarm by means of received on the basis of Neumann–Pirson criterion of analytical expressions. Threshold definition at small relations a signal-noise represents sufficient complexities and demands carrying out of additional research.
Pages: 5-16
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Date of receipt: 02.11.2020 г.