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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
The method of formalizing the conceptual information model of the workplace of a complex of military automation
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202003-02
UDC: 623.618

P.A. Morozov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense

E-mail: mpa24@mail.ru


In existing control systems for radio systems, the formation of operational information is carried out by performing a sequence of operator requests at the workplace and is performed by sequentially choosing one or another command of a multi-level menu in accordance with the information model. However, in conditions of time pressure, especially in wartime, when planning subsequent military operations, as well as in the case of difficult air conditions, there is a sharp increase in the amount of information, while the operator has to perform a number of additional actions to make the right decision, which in turn leads to increase the time of formation of operational information. The most preferred way to reduce this time is to use queries in a naturally-similar language. However, when implementing such an approach, the problem of the language barrier arises, which is caused by the statement of queries by the operator in the language of the subject area, and not in the language of the system.

To solve this problem, an appropriate method has been developed. As a source of data, it acts as a set of regulatory and operational documents containing a subject description of the information model of the workplace. Taking into account the existing form of presentation and the algorithm for generating operational information determines the feasibility of using a production-frame model for representing display objects developed on the basis of two formal information models of the RM KSA (frame and production) and the methods of their formation in the proposed method.

The application of the proposed models ensures the coordination of terms and concepts of the subject area, which are used to describe the properties of display objects, and are significant in terms of the formation of operational information.

In addition, there are cases when the operator needs to repeatedly enter duplicate data to solve interrelated tasks, which in turn leads to an increase in the time to solve them. To solve this problem, an approach is proposed to form the optimal structure of the production-frame model according to the criterion of the minimum amount of input data.

The proposed method acts as a conceptual basis for the use by operators of queries in a naturally-similar language in the control systems of radio systems when performing actions and operations within the framework of official and functional duties.

The method can be applied to formalize information models of jobs in modern complexes of military automation equipment.

Pages: 16-27
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Date of receipt: 12 марта 2020 г.