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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Development of an automated search of design solutions in the library copies of the design decisions on the basis of ontology
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202001-03
UDC: 658.512

N.N. Voit – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory of Innovative Virtual Design 

and Training Technologies of Department of Scientific Research and Innovation, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: n.voit@ulstu.ru

S.I. Brigadnov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Junior Research Scientist, 

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: sergbrig@yandex.ru

S.Yu. Kirillov – Post-graduate Student, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: kirillovsyu@gmail.com

M.E. Ukhanova – Post-graduate Student, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: mari-u@inbox.ru

S.I. Bochkov – Post-graduate Student, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: bochkovsi@ido.ulstu.ru

D.S. Kanev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Scientific and Technical Department, 

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: dima.kanev@gmail.com


This work is devoted to the development of an automated search system for design solutions made using the software complex CAD KOMPAS-3D, in the library of copies of design solutions based on the ontological model of the subject area of CAD. The main advantage of such a system is the ability to effectively reuse design solutions in the process of designing complex technical products with the help of domestic CAD-product (T-Flex, ASKON, Galaxy, «1C») solid-state modeling of three-dimensional products on the example of CAD KOMPAS-3D. To solve the problem of selecting similar design solutions, the authors developed a search system for three-dimensional models that meet the search query of the designer.

The authors have developed and proposed the architecture of the automated search system for design solutions, which consists of the following main components: CAD, PLM-system, input data (requirements tree, technical specification and three-dimensional model of the product), data extraction system, verification system of design solutions, search system, ontological base of design solutions-library of copies of design solutions CAD.

The authors have developed a new method of search of design solutions, the essence of which is to form a list of similar in structure 3D-models of design solutions of engineering products based on the comparison of the request of the designer to the library of copies of design solutions with search images (models of templates) of design solutions. The method allows on the basis of the ontological model of the CAD design solution, parameters and characteristics of the designer's request to form a list of similar design solutions available in the library of design solutions instances. The authors have developed an algorithm for finding similar design solutions, the main steps of which are described in the text of this work. The result of the designer's query is displayed in a tabular form or as a list of found similar design solutions on the screen form and contains a set of the most relevant CAD design solutions available in the instance library.

This paper describes the implementation of an automated search system for design solutions, describes the main components of the system (definition of the structure of collections in the library of design solutions; definition of the structure of storage parameters for each class of engineering products; building a tree of three-dimensional model; model of the design solution; the relationship between the elements of the model tree; the search function of the design decisions in the library copies of the design solutions in accordance with the terms of the request; the entry in the file store of a three-dimensional model of the design solution; the conclusion of a search result in a tabular form; the output of search result in list view) and modes of operation (the formation of the search query and results first designer). An example of processing the request of the designer to the library of copies of design solutions and output to the designer of similar design solutions (three-dimensional models) on the screen form is shown.

Pages: 17-26
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Date of receipt: 28 ноября 2019 г.