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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Operational selection of technological parameters of water-jet acoustic emission method
S.V. Bochkarev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Microprocessor-based automation,
Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: bochkarev@msa.pstu.ru
A.L. Galinovskiy - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Dr.Sc. (Ped.), Professor, Head of Department of Space Rocket Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Е-mail: galcomputer@mail.ru
A.A. Abashina - Assistant, Department of Space Rocket Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: 3876959@mail.ru
Hydrojet and water-jet machining is a complex process, the result of which is determined by the combination of technological parameters. Justification options causes considerable difficulties because of the complexity of the relationship between process parameters and parameters generated by surfaces.
Currently, developing analytical methods for assigning options, but the process model is complex and imperfect. In this context, experimental methods express interest assessment.
The present study examines the possibility of applying the method of acoustic emission as an integrated information and diagnostic technology to ensure mechanical and physical-technical processing of materials.
A study based on empirical data acquisition and processing. Experiments on hydraulic cutting materials were carried out at the installation Flow System (United States) in the center of the hydrophysical studies Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Using technical equipment, ranged distance from focusing nozzle to the sample surface and angles α interaction from -60 up to 60°. As a result, the impact of Ultra Jet liquid on the surface of the sample surface hydraulic formed Caverns of varying depth and width. Hydraulic formed Caverns depth (H) was measured using a metallographic microscope MIM-1600B on ten points with subsequent calculation of their average value.
Based on the results of the experiment surface hydraulic formed Caverns depths calculated performance (mm3/s). In this work of water-jet performance power and dependence of acoustic radiation in the treatment area for different angles of Ultra Jet interaction and the sample surface and different distances (L) between the focusing nozzle and processed material.
It is shown that the total power of AE reflects the character of changes of water-jet performance for both negative and positive angles interact Ultra Jet with the surface of the material. From a practical point of view, by the maximum value of power you can speak about a rational AE mode processing based on the criterion of maximum performance.
Based on the obtained experimental data revealed a significant decrease of water-jet performance and quality of the processed surface, as for traditional process (α = 0°) and for negative angles of Ultra Jet interaction and the surface of the specimen (α = - 30°, - 45°; - 60°).
Studies have shown that when you change the distances L there are three distinctive plot: the first illustrates the dramatic increase in Jet performance enough; the second demonstrates the optimum in performance for the distance L ≈ 4 mm; the third is characterized by a fairly smooth performance and the quality of the processed surface.
Studies have shown that changing the angle of the Ultra Jet interaction and the sample surface is generally consistent with the nature of changes of acoustic radiation power in a zone of water-jet; negative angles of Ultra Jet interaction and the sample surface reduces processing performance and quality of the processed surface; distance from focusing nozzle to the surface is the best value on Jet performance criteria and the nature of the performance curve corresponds to the evolution of acoustic radiation power in processing zone.
Pages: 58-63
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