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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Sliding averaging method application to process data from panel with handhold position sensors of crane-manipulator installation
V.V. Kiselev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of design and technology in electrical engineering, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: ktei@pstu.ru V.D. Volodin - Senior Lecturer, Department of Information technologies and automated systems, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: wwd777@mail.ru A.A. Shironov - Senior Lecturer, Department of Information technologies and automated systems, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: stepper88@inbox.ru K.S. Mozzhegorov - Undergraduate, Department of Information technologies and automated systems, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: kirill.mozzhegorov@yandex.ru
Crane-manipulator installations are widely used nowadays. All their mechanisms are hydraulic, that is why the installation control is made by a special device - hydraulic control valve. Modern hydraulic control valves have both mechanical and electronic control which allows to equip crane-manipulator installations with microprocessor-based control and this, in its turn, expands the range of their possibilities and increases their consumer qualities. However, if there are analog control elements in remote controller such as proportional handles, analog-digital changer as a part of micro-controller can give certain errors while identifying their location. These might be caused by noise in feed circuit of handhold position sensors, ripple on the sensor output, ADC errors and errors of handhold position sensors. Such errors can be limited by hardware and software techniques, which are normally used in combination. Hardware techniques may include filter installation into sensor feed circuit, isolation of digital and analog common wire as well as external source of reference voltage for micro-controller. Software techniques include averaging ADC micro-controller data. For this two methods were used: sliding averaging and median averaging. The method of sliding averaging is relatively simple in its software implementation. The measurement data are rec-orded into FIFO buffer which are periodically averaged. The averaged result is used for the further processing and to form controlling voltage for the hydraulic control valve. The method of median averaging is more complicated to be used in software implementation. Before averaging all the buffer elements are ranked from the maximum to the minimum. Then the element in the middle of the ranked ones is found. This very element is the averaging result. This method allows to filter voltage jumps of the sensor data. For the crane-manipulator installation layout two computer programs were written: one used the method of sliding averaging, the other - the method of median averaging. After that by recounting the data, control voltage values for hydraulic control valve were worked out. This very voltage was measured during the experiment, which showed that both averaging methods give absolute error of 0,2B being acceptable for hydraulic control valve voltage. As a result the method of sliding averaging was used for the further development as an easier way of software realization. As an additional measure to stabilize the average position of hydraulic valve spindle, the method of "gates" is used. It allows to minimize measurement errors, caused by mechanical features of the handhold. If the ADC data correspond to the interval of the average handhold position the input voltage of the hydraulic control valve corresponds to the neutral spindle position. This in its turn allows to reduce negative impact of handhold position measurement errors.
Pages: 52-57


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