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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The choice of the input signal at identification of dynamic systems at restriction of energy for control
the trace of information matrix
Bell-man\'s equation
the boundary-value problem
the quasilinearization method
sensitivity function
synthesis of control for identification of model of the power plant of the aircraft
V.P. Kharkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, chief researcher of Naukasoft Experimental Workshop Limited Liability Company
Parametrical identification of nonlinear dynamic systems is connected with the solution of two interconnected tasks. It is the assessment of the basic possibility of parametrical observability and the choice of such trajectory of the movement of system for which observability of required parameters would be the greatest. In article approach to the choice of such vector of control which implementation has to provide the maximum parametrical observability is stated. At the same time there are restrictions for the size of energy which can be used for identification of parameters.
The control gets out proceeding from the maximum of the trace of information matrix. Finally the task is reduced to the solution of the equation of Bellman, with the subsequent transition to the boundary-value problem. The example of calculation of control for identification of parameters of model of power plant of the aircraft is given.
Pages: 38-43
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