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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of mathematical model for full motion of the drone aircraft
S.A. Tashkov - Head of the Department of the Battle of Mass Manoeuvring of Aircraft Complexes, Military Educational-Scientific Center of air Forces, Military-Air Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (Voronezh). E-mail: pilotlipetsk@mail.ru R.R. Shatovkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of the Battle of Mass Manoeuvring of Aircraft Complexes, Military Educational-Scientific Center of air Forces, Military-Air Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (Voronezh). E-mail: Shatovkin@yandex.ru
The solution of many practical tasks of drone aircrafts requires high-precision information about their coordinates and movement parameters. For example, obtaining clear images video camera or a radar with synthetic aperture aboard the drone aircraft depends on the accuracy of definition of angles of spatial orientation (to stabilize the camera) and coordinate drone aircraft (to compensate for phase shifts in the synthetic aperture). Therefore, to improve the accuracy of determination of the drone aircraft of its location and motion parameters the need arises in the secondary processing of information about the movement coming from onboard measuring devices. Important role in this process is used in the algorithm of the information processing model of the motion of the drone aircraft. Existing models of aircraft motion is described as a rule, either translational movement or rotational movement sepa-rately (depending on tasks). However, the implementation of the correct management of camera and radar with synthetic aperture aboard the unmanned aerial vehicle requires the modelling of both translational and rotational motion, that is, the full movement of the drone aircraft. Thus, there is an actual problem of synthesis of mathematical model of the drone aircraft full motion. To solve the problem of synthesis of mathematical model of drone aircraft full motion: - the selected criterion of optimality of the synthesized model; - justified by the volume and specific type of a priori information in the form field specified conditions of use and all restrictions imposed on the synthesized model; the laws of distribution and statistical characteristics of noise shaping; - formed model of the drone aircraft full motion, optimal according to the chosen criterion, taking into account all imposed constraints. The results of the validation of the applicability of the model (simulation modeling) showed that it adequately describes the motion of drone aircraft and optimal according to the chosen criterion.
Pages: 12-28


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