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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Multidimensional description of complex temporal data
temporal data
relational database
multidimensional space
data structure
A.V. Baldin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Processing and Control Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.A. Tonojan - Ph.D. (Eng.), Department of Information Processing and Control Systems, Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
D.V. Eliseev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Department of Information Processing and Control Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Common not temporal object-relational models store only the current status of the domain objects, which makes their use limited. The article deals with the temporal object-relational model, which process and store state history of domain objects. А definition of the temporal data and temporal databases is described in the report. Also, methods of representation and processing of temporal data with object-relational DBMS are reviewed. The volume of information stored in the temporal object-relational database, is highly dependent on the temporality data level and frequency changing information. Temporality data levels were described from the level of the entire database and ending with the level of individual attributes. It is shown that if the scheme of such databases is often changed the redundancy in the temporal storage system increases. In addition, the use of standard temporal models based on relational one eventually leads to the widening of the database schema, making difficult its maintenance and upgrading. To remove these deficiencies, in the report it is offered to convert the temporal database in a multidimensional mivar representation. As a result of this conversion it becomes possible to extend temporal property not only to data, but also to their structure. Thus, in mivar describing the temporality is a property of the whole object-relational database, and isn\'t achieved through the use of object-relational constructs to describe stored information temporality. As a result, a new technique for working with temporal object-relational database is proposed, that consists of three stages: a single database conversion into a multidimensional mivar representation, transactional changes this temporal multidimensional model and performing search queries for the temporal database in the mivar space. For all of these stages the special operations and operators have been developed and implemented, that are described in other works related to this subject. The report has reference to this works. The size of the table of object-relational database reduced on average 32% and the adaptation time of information system reduced on average 53% when the proposed technique was testing in the university personnel management system.
Pages: 105-110
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