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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The modified method of the hierarchies analysis to the effectiveness inspection of the robotic systems
A.V. Grivachev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Technology, Southwest State University (Kursk)
E-mail: Garpun-22@mail.ru
S.G. Emelyanov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Rector of Southwest State University (Kursk)
E-mail: rector@swsu.ru
S.U. Sazonov - Ph.D (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technology, Southwest State University (Kursk)
E-mail: serg_saz@mail.ru
E.A. Titenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk)
E-mail: johntit@mail.ru
Object of research - methods of expert analysis of complex technical objects. The robot is understood as a metasystem in-cluding mutually related control systems, communications, traffic and others.
The aim is to expand the functionality of the analytic hierarchy process by introducing the stages of pre- and post-processing.
We propose to evaluate the effectiveness of mobile robots through analysis capability (useful work) of its individual systems, correlated with the overall evaluation (cost) on the functioning of the robot. A variety of approaches and technology solutions for the development of ground-based robots led to a problematic situation the comparative evaluation of robots. The fact is that the robots are significantly different tactical and technical, technological, economic and other indicators. Under these conditions advantageously applied heuristic estimates based on expert preferences. The main drawback of such assessments associated with subjective expert role. This drawback makes justified the introduction of analytic hierarchy process steps, allowing to obtain additional information to help make better decisions. A modified method. It includes the steps of pre-processing raw data sets of robots, and postprocessing using qualimetric diagrams.
Research methods: systematic analysis, decision theory, qualimetry.
Pages: 14-18
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