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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The modification of the A-star algorithm for the work of the route planning of the mobile robot
A.V. Grivachev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: Garpun-22@mail.ru A.G. Kurochkin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: ak.kursk@mail.ru P.V. Lotorev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: pashik@mail.ru V.O. Avdeev - Head division, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: v.o.avdeev@gmail.com E.A. Titenko - Рh.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: johntit@mail.ru
The object of study is the mathematical model of an extended terrain evaluation of the local area on an electronic map of the areas. As a local area identified cell with the grid partition area and its matrix representation. The aim is to study the cells conditionally passable on features of the hydrography and the environment. Expansion of the binary trait terrain accompanied by the introduction of non-zero level of permeability by mobile robot. It shows the connectivity of the next cell neighborhood and far from the location of the cells of the current cell. It is shown that the possibility of analyzing the driving arrangement of cells must be accompanied by an expanded view of the status of the cell permeability. This modification can reasonably increase the number of elements in the intermediate list of A-star algorithm for the analysis of cells. If there is a corridor / passage in a long obstacle to conditionally passable cell modification allows you to build a route through them. Classic A-star algorithm will be looking for a workaround. Conventionally passable cell empower procedures and algorithms, using additional information when deciding on the direction of motion. Research methods: system analysis, geometry, a decision support theory.
Pages: 4-8


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