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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The algorithm of angular orientation parameters definition for short-range unmanned aerial vehicle
S.V. Kruglikov - Ph.D. (Military), Associate Professor, OJSC - AGAT - Control Systems - (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: shabanov@cosmostv.by D.A. Saharuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Science-degree, Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk). E-mail: Saharyk@mail.ru A.B. Sivashko - Employee, Ltd "Aerosistema" (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: sivashko@mail.ru V.P. Shabanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ltd "Aerosistema" (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: shabanov@cosmostv.by
Article is devoted to the development of algorithmic software strapdown inertial navigation system course and vertical (Bis-cuit), ability to calculate the required parameters of the angular orientation of the small-sized UAVs as in the presence of correction signals from external sources, as well as in stand-alone mode ( regardless of the length of signal correction). Al-gorithm for determining the parameters of the angular orientation is a key element of algorithmic support strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) as continuity, accuracy and completeness of the information about the angular position directly affect the safety of the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The article describes an algorithm for determining the parameters of the angular orientation of the short-range UAV based on the corrected quaternion equations orientation parameters Rodrigues - Hamilton. Since the algorithm for determining the orientation of the UAV using only measurements of MEMS gyroscopes (MMG) is asymptotically unstable, the article proposed modification of the algorithm by introducing the angular orientation quaternion equation UAV positional feedback signals and integral offsets generated by the signals of MEMS accelerometers (MMA) and external corrective devices. Introduction positional correction helped to compensate for the accumulation of errors in determining the presence of errors vertical MMG, and the introduction of the integral correction led to (subject to adjustment algorithm for the period Shulera) invariance algorithm to active accelerations UAVs. Presented in this paper the simulation results confirm the efficiency of the algorithm and the appropriateness of its use in advanced navigation systems of moving objects.
Pages: 59-70


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