350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Syntheses of the digital means and educational methods
E.B. Anufrieva - Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg). E-mail: a-viv@yandex.ru S.V. Kuvshinov - Director, Professor, International Institute of New Educational Technologies, RSUN (Moscow) V.E. Pryanichnikov - Dr.Sc (Eng.), Professor, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences; International Institute of New Educational Technologies, RSUH; Head of Department, Moscow State Technological University «STANKIN»; University of Zadar (Croatia) K.V. Kharin - Director of Multimedia Center, International Institute of New Educational Technologies, RSUH (Moscow)
Project «Intelligent Robotronics» is a new educational technology, designed as a spatially distributed virtual network for the remote training of engineers, humanitarians and IT-specialists with the use of the selected set of 3D-equipment. This paper presents the results of the development of basic software and hardware elements for 3D-prototyping, placed in MINOT RSUH and partner organizations, as well as methodological / pedagogical development on the basis of this equipment with broad participation of graduate and undergraduate students in it\'s modernization.This trend seems to be promising for learning various popular specialtys - computer sciences, robotics and other technologies, such as primary education, conducting manual techniques, based on expert system synthesis of three-dimensional images. The results of the initial formalization for the creating expert system are presented. This system is interpreting the notation of the actions of the conductor into symbolic cub with abstract images.
Pages: 82-88


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