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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Intelligent tutoring on the basis of integrated expert systems: modeling students skills to solve complex problems
G. V. Rybina - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, RF President Prize Winner for Education, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail: galina@ailab.mephi.ru E. S. Sergienko - Engineer, Department «Cybernetics» National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI». E-mail: galina@ailab.mephi.ru
A great experience in the development and use of tutoring integrated expert systems (IES) based on task-oriented metho-dology and powerful modern tools - AT-TECHNOLOGY system is accumulated in the laboratory «Intelligent Systems and Technologies» department \"Cybernetics\" NRNU MEPhI. Educational IES andweb-IES are fully functional, new generation ITS that implement all the basic ITS model (student model, teaching model, problem domain model, ontology of courses and disciplines, etc.). As well, IES allows solving wide scope of intellectual training tasks, the main ones are: individual planning methodologies to study course / discipline; Mining solution of educational problems; intelligent decision support. The aim of this work is the analysis and synthesis of experience in the development and use of tools of intelligent tutoring, functioning as part of a tool set AT TECHNOLOGYin the study process.
Pages: 31-38


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