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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Multiscale processes modeling in cluster structures
V.I. Vorob-ev - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of laboratory, SPIIRAS M.Yu. Petrov - Leading programmer, SPIIRAS V.I. Shkirtil - Ph. D., Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory, SPIIRAS
This paper considers an approach to the metadescription of a multiscale modeling process in cloud structures. It is proposed to overcome the definition complexity of such a key concept as a scale by means of the coherent conceptualized metadescription development. The work is based on the conceptualization of general nature systems, from which the definitions of the scale and the multiscale relations are derived. Then there are formed the precise specifications of the multiscale model formation, and after that the classification of multiscale models is built on basis of strict definitions. Nowadays there is a large quantity of multiscale techniques and systems designed for problem solving in different spheres. It is necessary to possess an ontological description of modeling spheres, methods and developed systems in the field of multiscale modeling in order to have a relevant search of methods and systems in this realm of research. The ontological model enables the automation of multiscale algorithms and data deployment procedures in the virtual cloud medium. After the formation of the multiscale model ontology it is offered to confront it with the cloud resource ontology. This makes possible for the cloud providers to sort out the best resource compositions founded on the consumer-s abstract demand. The ontological description is of triple nature. Its three constituents are: first, OWL ontology for the purpose of multiscale model and resources (hardware and software) description, including their dependencies, interoperability constraints and metadata; second, creation of an algorithm, that uses several search guidelines and inquiries in order to form the graph of all possible resource compositions, based on the abstract demand; and third, showing how this graph transforms itself into an integral program, that enables finding the optimal solution. Several examples of multiscale problems are considered in the paper including those of task security monitoring in the cloud environment and of risk estimation.
Pages: 43-48

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