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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences
O.P. Kuznetsov
Relationship of artificial intelligence and the cognitive sciences studying information processing of a brain are considered. Phenomenological approach to the solution of the intellectual tasks, standard in AI is criticized. Signaling speeds in a brain million times more slowly, than in the computer; nevertheless there are intellectual problems which the brain solves more effectively than the computer. It testifies that the mechanisms of a brain solving these problems, essentially differ from the logical and algorithmic methods used in computer programs. Existing models of artificial neural networks are too simple. Their architecture doesn\'t reflect difficult architecture of the brain in which cognitive procedures are realized. Besides, they are also based on phenomenological approach and don\'t apply for modeling of processes of a brain. The task consists in creating the artificial neural networks modeling these processes. There are two perspective approaches to creation of such networks: networks with holographic effects and the theory of columns of Hawkins.
Pages: 16-24


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