350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Invariant properties of the images the groups of small size radar targets
I.G. Antsev, K.S. Ivannikov, B.V. Titkov
The reflected radar tracking signals strongly depend on external influence. It worsens accuracy of mismatch definition. However some types of the reflected signals are steady against this influence in spite of the fact that parameters of radar tracking varied over a wide range. This theme represents the large interest. In this article result of experimental researches of some properties of invariance of the group small size radar targets are shown. To include subjective opinion of the operator, the automatic method of a searching a reference image from a set another ones is applied. Owing to that reference image solves its tasks of mismatch much better.
Pages: 5-10
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