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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Conceptual aspects of group application of unmanned aerial vehicles
A.R. Gaiduk, S.G. Kapustyan
Now actual there is a problem of group application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for solution of various problems. It is caused by variety of the reasons. On the one hand, UAVs find more and more wide application as in military, and civil areas, on the other hand, what multifunctional would not be UAV, he is capable to solve simple private problems as limited on-board energy supply, the radius of sensor systems action, as a rule, small, probability of solution of a target problem in extreme conditions the low. All it restricts functionality UAVs and a circle of problems solved by them. This problem can be solved efficiently by using the solutions to problems of large-scale groups of UAVs as a homogeneous composition and heterogeneous. But this requires to solve a series of complex scientific and engineering problems, one of which is the task of organizing the interaction of UAVs in the group to achieve a common goal for the group. In paper the formal formulation of control by UAVs group consisting in definition in a present point of time of optimal group operations for UAVs, directed to achievement of a common goal for the group, is given. The centralized and decentralized strategies of steering by UAVs groups and the organization of group control systems realizing these strategies are observed. The method of decentralized steering by UAVs group, based on principles collective multiagents interaction is offered. This method focuses on the implementation of a distributed system of group control UAVs, based on the net-centric principles. The approach to solution of a problem of the organization of UAVs interaction in groups offered in paper can become one of base units of creation of production engineering of UAVs group application.
Pages: 8-16
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