350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Estimation of Information Reliability of Diagnostic Inferences in Electromyography by the Method of an Fuzzy Logic Conclusion
N.T. Abdullayev, K.Sh. Ismayilova
The procedure of an fuzzy logic conclusion for the support of diagnostic decision-making based on the computer processing of measured parameters of electromyography signals allows to decrease the probability of errors during the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases. Construction of the majority of diagnostic medical systems of the fuzzy conclusion is based on fulfillment of the following algorithm: formation of the basic of rules of a logic conclusion; fuzzification (reductions to fuzzyness) of output variables; aggregation of sub-conditions; activation of sub-conclusions; accumulation of conclusions; defuzzification. All stages of the algorithm are interconnected and, in general, make it possible to present fuzzy conclusion process as a sequence of concrete operations. At the final stage, the estimation of information reliability of a diagnostic inference is carried out. Computer realization of the algorithm is carried out in the software environment МATLAB 7 with the help of FIS toolbox. The considered procedure of the electromyographic inspection of the patient on the basis of fuzzy logic technology provides support for the formation of a correct diagnostic inference by a doctor.
Pages: 60-67
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