350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The application of mathematical modeling quaternions invector - ternary transmitter
three- component vector - measuring transducers
theory of spatial orientation
mathematical models of three- component flux - gate transducers and accelerometer sensors
Y.S. Morozova, D.G. Milovzorov, A.S. Dyachkov, A.R. Ardashirov
The elements of the general theory of spatial orientation of the solids, are the basic tenets of the theory of quaternions. Parsed using the quaternion method of mathematical modeling as applied to a three-component vector - measuring transducers (TVMT). We present mathematical models of three-component flux-gate transducers in accelerometer and sensors. Proposed use of the quaternion method applied to solve mathematical modeling problems TVMT both separately and in combination with vector-matrix equations and the inverse of quaternions in spatial orientation tasks as simplifying the procedure for obtaining the result of a quaternion, which reduces the operation of analytic transformations in determining the components of the quaternion and also allows to obtain directly a static mathematical model.
Pages: 42-47
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