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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The estimation method of trajectory instabilities of air object flight upon the sequence of range profiles
A. G. Prohorkin, D. G. Mitrofanov, V. A. Perehozhev
The necessity of measuring and list in systems of building the radar images parameters of trajectory instabilities of flight is proved in this article. The disregard of the influence of this factor leads to the appearance of the essential distortion in forming images, what makes them useless for the solution of tasks of recognition. The method of formation of two-dimensional radar images of air objects with the use of signals of carrier frequency tuning is described. Viewed the method it is shown the nature of development of trajectory instabilities in result image. The known estimation methods of parameters of trajectory instabilities of flight are analyzed. These methods allow to estimate the nature of angular rate changing of vehicle turn at the expense of trajectory instabilities by the correlation curve and angularity indirectly. The disadvantage of these methods is a possibility of their realization only by high signal-noise ratio and high frequency of ranging signal movement on one carrier frequency. This makes them of little use by realization in radars using pulse-to-pulse frequency tuning signals. The estimation method of angular rate changing of vehicle turn at the expense of range profiles is offered. The estimation is making with the help of trajectory characteristics, reflecting the nature of angular rate changing of radar view. In the interests of the informativeness estimation and resistance of estimate characteristics (trajectory, correlation and angularity characteristics) to the noise influences there was made their building by different signal-noise ratios. The analysis of accuracy image by estimate characteristics of true law of angular rate changing of vehicle turn was made by least square method. The analysis showed that when noise-signal ratio is 20 dB and more, the estimate characteristics have no essence differences. When reducing signal-noise ratio to 10 dB one can observe the increase of formation of correlation and angularity characteristics. The analog distortions for trajectory characteristic appear only when signal-noise ratio is 1 dB. It gives leave to make a conclusion about a possibility of the use of a suggested estimation method of trajectory instabilities of flight when signal-noise ratio is lower than known methods in radars realizing frequency tuning signals.
Pages: 19-26
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