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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The diagnostic informativity of diseases laboratory pattern assess-ment problem
E. V. Ivanova, S. P. Olympieva, V. V. Kilikovsky, Yu. V. Raylyan
Interpretation of great number of patient-s laboratory tests results is very complicate problem for clinical specialists because of the need of multiple data analysis. Laboratory pattern of disease is an attempt of laboratory data clinical interpretation with multivariate analysis. The diagnostic algorithm with application of laboratory pattern of disease conclude the comparison of patient-s laboratory tests results with laboratory portraits of all diseases; 1-3 diagnosis with maximal coincidence degree forms the primary diagnostic hypo-thesis. The problem is that laboratory patterns of disease from literature have more informativity. In practice, therapist (narrow specialist) has no possibility to estimate laboratory patterns of disease diagnostic informativity. Expert system is one of such possibilities. The aim of our investigation is creation of algorithms for estimate of laboratory patterns of disease from literature diagnostic informativity and forms a knowledge base including set of laboratory patterns of kidney diseases for a consultative expert system. Archive data of 211 children with kidney diseases were used for algorithms testing. In the result rate of including of right diagnosis in the primary diagnostic hypothesis was in range of 17-76%. With the aid of application of our algorithms that permit include all accessible laboratory patterns of diseases in diagnosis we have reached the rate of including of right diagnosis in the primary diagnostic hypothesis up to 88%. Such a result confirming that creating of new combining laboratory pattern of diseases from literature algorithms can provide the most effectiveness in diagnostic multivariate interpretation of laboratory tests.
Pages: 107-111
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