Anatoly A. Streltsov1
1 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
1 aa.streltsov@yandex.ru
In the conditions of aggravation of international relations caused by the degradation of the unipolar world and the formation of a multipolar world order, the expansion of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in all spheres of life of society, the solution of the problems of information security is of particular relevance. Such challenges include, inter alia, developing State cooperation to counter threats to the use of ICTs to disrupt international peace and security and improving the effectiveness of countering threats of computer-related crime.
It is shown that the solution to the problems of ensuring information security is constrained, first of all, by the insufficient effectiveness of the application of norms and principles of law for the peaceful resolution of disputes over incidents in the ICT environment, which can pose a threat to international peace and security, as well as by the limited possibilities of applying legal responsibility to the perpetrators of unlawful acts due to the increase in both the number of crimes and the laboriousness of operational and investigative measures on the facts of their commission.
Based on the assumption that the ICT environment is a new space of law application, significantly different from the space of territory, the conceptual model of social relation as a process of sustainable social interaction of subjects (person, organization, state bodies) is proposed. In turn, social interaction is represented as an interrelated set of information interaction processes: exchange of socially significant information; joint activities to satisfy a common social interest. Logical modeling confirmed the significant influence of ICT environment on the implementation of social interactions.
Taking into account the results of logical modeling, an approach to solving the problem of adapting the norms of international law to application in the ICT environment is formulated through, on the one hand, supplementing them with norms regulating cooperation between states in the field of ICT use, and, on the other hand, forming organizational and legal support for resolving disputes over incidents in the ICT environment.
It is shown that the basis of the "additional" norms of international law can be the provisions of the concept of the UN convention on ensuring international information security, presented by the Russian Federation and some other states as an official document of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (2023). It is proposed to base the organizational and legal support of dispute resolution on incidents in the ICT environment on the following mechanisms: delimitation and demarcation of the boundaries of states' areas of responsibility in the ICT environment; cooperation of incident coordination centers operating on the basis of the international standard of information security management; implementation of "additional" norms of international law into national legislation. The implementation of these proposals could contribute to the establishment of an international legal security regime for the use of ICTs based on the sovereignty of States, international norms and principles derived from sovereignty.
It was noted that additional interdisciplinary research is required to prepare proposals to strengthen the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the area of countering threats to the use of ICTs to commit crimes in the sphere of computer information.
Streltsov A.A. The problems of strengthening the sovereignty of the State in the environment of information and communication technologies. Highly Available Systems. 2024. V. 20. № 3. P. 59−70. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20729472-202403-06 (in Russian)
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