Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
The challenge of artificial intelligence research and application in education
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-202004-05
UDC: 004.89

A.Yu. Kruglov – Dr.Sc.(Soc.), Professor of Department, SPIN-code: 2101-3475


The rapid development of computing technologies and information processing methods has had a serious impact on the development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) both in scientific research and in the educational activities of a modern person. The use of AI in education has created new opportunities for the design of educational activities and the development of better technological and software solutions and learning environments. However, for most researchers and practitioners, both in the field of information and computer technologies, and in the field of education, the problem of developing and implementing relevant activities and AI systems continues to be the most urgent and complex.

Goal of the work is to consider the existing volume of the most important aspects and problems of the development and use of AI systems in education, determine the specific contexts of their use in the educational process and the process of education management, identify the most problematic, as well as promising topics that require the attention of researchers and specialists in the field information computer technology and education.

A model of integrative interaction «AI – education» is presented, contexts of using AI systems in education, as well as the most problematic and promising topics for further research in this area are revealed.

The identified areas of research allow us to focus on the most important and promising ones. The presented integrative model of interaction «AI – education» makes it possible to ensure the formation of reference points for assessing the effectiveness of using AI in education.

Pages: 56-63
For citation

Kruglov A.Yu. The challenge of artificial intelligence research and application in education. Highly Available Systems. 2020. V. 16. № 4. P. 56−63. DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-202004-05. (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 19.10.2020 г.