Journal Highly available systems №3 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Memory access address localization problems in some signal processing systems and variants of their solution
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-201803-06
UDC: 004

A.V. Zaitsev – Head of Sector, JSC «All-Russia SRI of Radio Engineering» (Moscow)


L.K. Eisymont – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), The Federal Register of Scientific and Technical Experts  of the Russia Ministry of Education and Science (Moscow) E-mail:


The task of studying the processes taking place in the signal processing system in order to determine the position of the observed bodies in a certain space, and then – the choice of computing devices for the effective implementation of these processes. As the main feature of the processes, the modes of spatio-temporal localization of memory accesses are distinguished. The main processes of the system are determined, the most suitable vector and multithreaded processors, software emulation of multithreaded architecture on a multi-core processor are offered. The objects of study are processors Elbrus and NeuroMatrix NM6408. As a result, it is planned to select promising devices of the system processes. The planned study is consistent with the strategy of import substitution in the field of elemental design base of supercomputers aimed at developing a set of problem-oriented specialized VLSI rather than creating direct analogs of the best samples of foreign elemental design base.

Pages: 35-39
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Date of receipt: 3 августа 2018 г.