Journal Highly available systems №3 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
New approaches to obtain overteraflop performance and to expand the range of use for NeroMatrix family SoCs
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20729472-201803-05
UDC: 004.383

V.M. Chernikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Main Designer – Head of Department, RC «Module» (Moscow)


P.E. Viksne – Head of Sector, RC «Module» (Moscow) E-mail:


This paper represents the approaches to build multicore heterogeneous SoC of over teraflop performance with use of NeroMatrix family SoC NM6408MP as prototype. To achieve more performance and power efficiency it is proposed as follows: usage of new technology (14 nm and bellow), increasing of processor cores on chip, modification of these processor cores to take more computing power with help of new hardware adding and more problem-oriented specialization. The development of computing systems with a capacity of up to several TFLOPS will enable the domestic industry to produce competitive digital signal processing equipment for radar and hydroacoustic systems. In addition, this equipment can effectively solve other important tasks, such as the implementation of neural networks of in-depth training.

Pages: 28-33
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Date of receipt: 3 августа 2018 г.