350 rub
Journal Highly available systems №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Experience of training specialists on information-analytical systems based on big data technology
A.V. Shmid - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Information-analytical systems», HSE (Moscow); Chairman of the Board of «EC-leasing Co.» B.A. Pozin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Professor, Department «Information-analytical system», HSE (Moscow); Technical Director of «EC-leasing Co.» E-mail: contact@ec-leasing.ru
Technology of Big Data processing, including Predictive Analytics are strategically important and are of great economic importance. Big Data is the raw material for the new economy. The product of Big Data is to take corporate (strategic) high quality solutions. The strength of a country does not raw, and the product that is the quality of decisions. In fact, there is a strategic shift in the area of information systems to support decision-making at all levels of management and in the development of software systems. For the new domestic economy above problems are a challenge, and strategically require fast and effective solutions. Development of the Watson class of systems is a new challenge as the new economy and in the field of information and analytical systems (IAS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS). In fact, Watson-like system and is a factory for the processing of Big Data, the educable computer (EC), sharply, at times increases productivity of people to create the IAS and the DSS. And this is also a new chal-lenge in the field of software development, which consists in the fact that need to create EC, who are able to learn and to train pro-fessionals who will be able to carry out the initial training and EC to put the process of self-study. Modern experts in this field - it is the teacher trainees\' computers. Thus, the essence of the problem facing society is that in a short time is necessary to prepare specialists in the development, use, maintenance and development of modern EC for different applications, and to ensure the creation of automated technologies, dra-matically, at times increasing productivity experts - subject teachers who will be able to quickly create and train EC in collaboration with experts in the DSS. No less important is the issue of training in the creation of such systems and Big Data processing techniques. The question arises: What and how to teach specialists for big data? This paper presents the methodology and experience in training specialists in this field obtained at the department «Information-analytical system» MIEM NRU HSE since 2013 until now. The basic components of the Master\'s program of study: theoretical lectures and practical training in the performance of laboratory work, based on the relevant decisions for the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology, adapted to domestic conditions and supplemented methodical manuals. The labs used tools IBM Watson platform. Infrastructure Training, created on the base department, enabled the 200 labs runs and can significantly extend the training audience by attracting professionals interested organizations. The work is a part of combat training tasks, the solution of which was attended by undergraduates.
Pages: 49-57


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