D.V. Ivanov1, V.A. Ivanov2, N.V. Ryabova3, A.R. Laschevsky4
1–4 Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
1 IvanovDV@volgatech.net, 2 IvanovVA@volgatech.net, 3 RyabovaNV@volgatech.net, 4 LashhevskijAR@volgatech.net
One of the challenges of ionospheric HF communication is to increase the reliability of message transmission. To solve this, it is proposed to use the method of frequency-time separation of repeated signals. At the same time, sensor diagnostics of the entire set of channels from the transparency band of the radio line are required. However, the approach using a continuous signal with linear frequency modulation (LFM) as the carrier of information and diagnostics is not sufficiently studied.
For the transmission of small data volumes, a low-speed transmission mode can be used, which employs signal types used in sensor diagnostics. In this mode, a short message is repeated several times across all possible communication channels. Simultaneous diagnostics of these channels allow for the selection of the most suitable ones for data transmission. This approach is aimed at ensuring practically reliable message transmission.
The method of frequency-time separation of signals with simultaneous diagnostics of the entire set of permissible ionospheric channels has been developed. It has been experimentally shown that the modified method allows for error-free transmission of small volumes of information under the conditions of "poor" quasi-zenith ionospheric HF communication channels.
The simultaneous application of methods for ultra-wideband sensor diagnostics of HF communication frequency channels and frequency-time separation during the transmission of coherent signals, which significantly increases the reliability of message transmission, is a relevant scientific challenge. The developed approach can be used to transmit short messages over long and very long distances in radio communication, both with stationary and mobile objects. The proposed system is capable of solving the problem of transmitting small volumes of data in remote areas with insufficient coverage by infocommunication networks.
Ivanov D.V., Ivanov V.A., Ryabova N.V., Laschevsky A.R. Enhancing the reliability of short message reception by simultaneously using frequency-time spreading and sensor diagnostics. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2024. V. 29. № 6. P. 54−63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202406-07 (in Russian)
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