E.V. Barkov1, A.A. Averin2, V.S. Kosukova3, S.A. Shneruk4, D.S. Gorkin5, V.I. Sahterov6
1–6 Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN) (Moscow, Troitsk, Russia)
4 ПАО «Россети» (Moscow, Russia)
1 barkov00@gmail.com, 2 averin@izmiran.ru, 3 valerikors@gmail.com, 4 shnieruk@mail.ru, 5 gorkin@izmiran.ru, 6 sakhterov@mail.ru
In complex geological conditions it is not always possible to conduct geophysical surveys. Quite often the work is hampered by swamps, bushes and other types of obstacles. When surveying large areas, the measurement process is delayed for a long time. The applied classical ground penetrating radars allow measurements to be taken at low permittivity of the medium. Loams and other media with Ɛ ≥ 4 are probed to a shallow depth [1]. Deep ground penetrating radars used from helicopters have rather large dimensions and high windage [4, 5]. It is necessary to develop equipment and methods of measurements from unmanned aerial vehicles for surveying ground penetrating radar surveys of extended linear objects. There are also tasks of ground penetrating radar for surveying large areas in case of environmental disasters and industrial accidents. Experiments were conducted on ground penetrating radar from heights from 3 to 50 meters, measurements were carried out on a lake and on the Rybinsk Reservoir, the disappearance of the reflected signal was revealed when the pitch angle was exceeded. Directions for further development are proposed. The possibility of measuring the thickness of ice and bottom sediments of freshwater bodies to a depth of 4 meters from an unmanned aerial vehicle is demonstrated. It is proposed to use antenna-feeder devices with a controlled directivity pattern to reduce dependence on the pitch of the aircraft [6].
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