Nguyen Van Cuong1, Pham Duc Huy2, A.V. Nikolaev3, A.Yu. Voloshin4
1–3 Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (Moscow, Russia)
3,4 Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1, 2, 3,
This article presents a comparative analysis of the detection characteristics of explosive objects using traditional radar systems and nonlinear radar systems (NRLS). The study investigates the influence of external interference and evaluates the effective radar cross-section (RCS) at the second and third harmonics. In the context of traditional radar systems, the limitations caused by interference from surrounding sources are discussed, which may impede the accurate detection of explosive objects. In contrast, the benefits of nonlinear radar systems are highlighted, particularly their capability to detect nonlinear objects amidst interference. Special attention is given to the assessment of RCS at the second and third harmonics and its impact on the performance of both detection technologies. Key parameters such as detection probability and interference resilience are analyzed for both systems. The study concludes with recommendations regarding the optimal choice of detection technology under varying operational conditions and based on the specific requirements of security systems for vehicular applications.
Nguyen Van Cuong, Pham Duc Huy, Nikolaev A.V., Voloshin A.Yu. Evaluation of the Detection Characteristics of a Nonlinear Radar System for a Safety Vehicle. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2024. V. 29. № 5. P. 39−46. DOI: (in Russian)
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