R.S. Surovtsev1, S. Karri2, I.A. Skornyakov3
1–3 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Tomsk, Russia)
1 surovtsevrs@gmail.com, 2 karrisalim.h@gmail.com, 2 ivan_sk94@mail.ru
Ensuring functional safety of radio-electronic equipment (REE) in conditions of electromagnetic interference (EMI) is relevant due to the decrease in the threshold of their susceptibility. This decrease results from an increase in the density of printed circuit board mounting, as well as the use of higher frequency signals. As a consequence, REE is becoming more susceptible to EMI, and traditional solutions cannot always provide efficient protection. Therefore, it is critical to search and investigate new protective solutions. One of such solutions is stripline devices with modal decomposition, e.g. based on only one turn of a meander line (ML). However, ML-based devices have large dimensions, even for relatively short interference durations. Therefore, it is relevant to find ways to improve them. One of ways is to fold the ML turn with a strong coupling between the signal conductors into a meander with a weak coupling between its half-turns. The approach is limited by the choice of the optimal distance between the meander half-turns, since their close proximity can deteriorate modal decomposition of EMI. We propose to place additional reference conductors between the half-turns. To evaluate the possibility of miniaturizing ML-based devices, the line was simulated and then validated experimentally. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a comprehensive study of the influence of additional ground conductors on the characteristics of stripline devices with modal decomposition based on the ML turn. The complex of results obtained allows us to state that the integration of additional conductors makes it possible to increase the length of the device on the given initial surface or to reduce the size of the device on the printed circuit board while maintaining the protective characteristics. The example of pulse interference shows an increase in attenuation by 1.3 times. The results of the study demonstrate the possibilities of reducing the size of stripline devices with modal decomposition on a given PCB area while preserving their EMI protection efficiency.
Surovtsev R.S., Karri S., Skornyakov I.A. Investigating the influence of additional ground conductors influence on the characteristics of stripline devices with modal decomposition based on a meander line turn. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2024. V. 29. № 2. P. 30−43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j15604128-202402-04 (in Russian)
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