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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Energy technological interpretation of Maxwell equations
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j5604128-202302-08
UDC: 538.95

L.V. Lysenko1, V.K. Shatalov2

1−3 Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga, Russia)


Maxwell's differential equations are considered, which in the traditional form represent a system of four equations in vector notation. For the interpretation of Maxwell's equations, the concepts of energy technological processes are given. An assessment of the theoretical dependences arising from a dimensionless complex of energy-technological processes for the transportation and transformation of a substance (momentum and angular momentum), which determine electromagnetic phenomena, is carried out. It follows from Maxwell's equation (Gauss's law for a magnetic field) that magnetic charges exist in pairs and actualize the corresponding magnetic inductions. Maxwell's equations reflect the laws of conservation of electric charge, momentum and energy.

Theoretical dependences on the study of the transport of angular momentum, which determine Maxwell's equations, are considered. It is shown that these formulas are derived from the phenomenological complex of energy technological processes.

The nature of the three forms of substance substance, energy and angular momentum (momentum) are associated with the experimentally studied variety of properties of the material world. The physical model of the material world at the same time includes various combinations of flows of matter, energy and angular momentum (momentum). Maxwell's equations have significantly contributed to the progress in the development of science in the knowledge of electromagnetic phenomena. However, in modern conditions of their application in technology, these formal provisions require further adaptation.

Aim of the work – taking into account that Maxwell's equations follow from the phenomenological dimensionless complex of energy technological processes, it is proposed to consider these dependencies in a modern interpretation.

Theoretical dependences on the study of the transport of angular momentum, which determine Maxwell's equations, are considered. It is shown that these formulas are derived from the phenomenological complex of energy technological processes. In physical processes, for example, in electromagnetic transformations, there is both energy kinetics and angular momentum kinetics, which is reflected in Maxwell's equations.

Based on the industrial implementation of the basics of energy technological processes, theoretical dependencies are obtained, arising from a dimensionless phenomenological complex for the transportation and transformation of a substance (momentum and angular momentum), which determine electromagnetic phenomena.

Pages: 64-72
For citation

Lysenko L.V., Shatalov V.K. Energy technological interpretation of Maxwell equations. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2023. V. 28. № 2. P. 64−72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202302-08 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 22.02.2023
Approved after review: 08.03.2023
Accepted for publication: 20.03.2023