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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Adaptive algorithm for adjusting the weight coefficients of a phased antenna array according to the least squares criterion using the cell matrix inversion lemma
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j5604128-202206-02
UDC: 621.396.96

V.V. Makarenkov¹, V.V. Podyachev², I.S. Lutsko³

1-3 A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (Saint–Petersburg, Russia)


An important problem of modern radar is the problem of stable operation of information systems in changing conditions for observing objects. One of the areas of research in this area is the development of adaptive algorithms for adjusting the weight coefficients of phased antenna arrays that detect and track maneuvering objects against the background of interference. The most commonly used in practice are recursive least squares adaptive algorithms based on gradient search strategies, which have low algorithmic and computational complexity. The main disadvantage of these algorithms is the slow and uneven rate of convergence. In order to increase it, a number of algorithmic solutions are used, which in turn lead to an increase in algorithmic and computational complexity. The continuing trend of increasing the number of observed objects by modern information systems imposes increasingly high demands on both the computational complexity of adaptation algorithms and their convergence rate. Ensuring the maximum convergence rate is especially important for various interference situations. Thus, due to the influence of interference, the adaptation time can reach several thousand iterations, which is absolutely unacceptable in a rapidly changing interference environment. The resolution of this contradictory situation is possible through the use of algorithmic solutions that reduce the number of arithmetic operations per unit time, thereby reducing the computational complexity of adaptive algorithms. One of such solutions, considered in this article, is the use of the lemma on the inversion of cellular matrices in the adaptive algorithm.

Target of article is to development of an adaptive algorithm for adjusting the weight coefficients of phased antenna arrays according to the least squares criterion, which makes it possible to reduce the number of operations performed by it in one iteration using the cell matrix inversion lemma. The work of an adaptive algorithm for adjusting the weight coefficients of a phased antenna array according to the least squares criterion in difficult conditions for observing objects is considered. A reduction in the number of operations performed by the algorithm in one iteration is proposed based on the use of the cell matrix inversion lemma. Application of the lemma makes it possible to calculate the weight coefficients of a phased antenna array without matrix operations, thereby ensuring the linear complexity of the calculations. Solving the problem of adjusting the weight coefficients of a phased antenna array according to the least squares criterion using the cell matrix inversion lemma makes it possible to increase the rate of convergence of the algorithm, which indicates the feasibility of its application in a rapidly changing environment, when the decision time is very limited.

Pages: 13-20
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Date of receipt: 25.10.2022
Approved after review: 15.11.2022
Accepted for publication: 28.11.2022