N.N. Usmanov1, D.L. Stolyarov2, I.R. Prudnikov3, A.S. Nifanov4, A.M. Saletsky5
1,3−5 Faculty of Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
2 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
The possibility of applying, in practice, the effect of a fast change in air pressure in the vicinity of a conductor corresponding to a pulse change of electric current in it for transferring movement to pistons and the realization of adjustable displacements of the objects is shown. The results of experimental researches on the implementation of adjustable precise displacement, to small distances, of a cylindrical holder with a sample under transferring movement from pistons pushing the cylindrical holder with the fixed sample under changing the air pressure are presented. A thin magnetic film was taken as the sample. Visually the observed structure of the film magnetic domains and a small-size defect were enabling to easily evaluate the distance of the movement in the field of vision of a microscope. The observation was carried out by means of polarization-type microscope in transmitted white light with the help of Faraday’s effect. A label-spot was marked on the lens of the microscope to serve for the determination of the sample displacement under the movement of the cylindrical holder with the sample in the field of vision of the microscope. The change of the pressure was happening due to the flowing an impulse electric current in conductors located in sealed glass pipes. The rectangular, in shape, electric current pulses were supplied by a generator that possessed the possibility of regulating an amplitude and duration of the electric signals. The duration of the impulse was changed with a precision of 1 ms. The results of the experiments in which the electric current impulse was sequentially supplied in the conductors of the both pipes for moving the sample in forth and back directions are shown. The movements of the sample in the experiments occurred at different distances from those less than 1 µm to those longer than 100 µm. The current study also shows the results of the experiments on the measurements of the piston movement under the change of the pressure under the action of the rectangular impulses of the current flowing in the conductor located in the pipe. A cylindrical teflon piston was located in a tap of the glass pipe and had the possibility of moving freely under the pressure variation. For a better slipping and hermetization the teflon pistons were lubricated with engine oil. Upon propagating the current impulse in the conductor, the fast increase of the air pressure in the pipe and in the tap took place that resulted in the movement of the piston. The linear dependence of the piston shift on the impulse current amplitude at a fixed duration of the supplied impulse is shown.
The performed experiments made it possible to show the possibility of applying the effect of the fast change in the air pressure in the vicinity of the conductor under the change of the current flowing in it for the implementation of the small movements of the objects upon solving scientific and technical problems. The adjustable movements under the fast change of the pressure, corresponding unambiguously to the impulse change of the electric current enable to predict the possibility of using the effect of the fast pressure variation in mechanisms for a precise positioning the objects under solving applied problems of nanotechnologies and in experimental scientific researches.
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