A.V. Kolesnikov1, D.V. Fedosov2, A.V. Nikolaev3
1,2 KV-SVYAZ (Omsk, Russia)
3Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics (Moscow, Russia)
3Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (Moscow, Russia)
Currently, the search for the possibility of organizing reliable two-way wireless through-the-earth (TTE) communications is relevant. This method of organizing communications is in demand in the mining industry. The existing methods and means of TTE communication are based on powerful radio stations with large dimensions of the antenna devices of the VLF range. This range was chosen due to the lower specific absorption of electromagnetic waves in the rock. A promising way of organizing two-way TTE communications is the use of portable radio stations of the medium frequency (MF) range using effective electrically small antennas. Since the electrical characteristics of the rock are influenced by climatic and geophysical factors, its important parameters are moisture, which affects electrical conductivity, and porosity, which affects water saturation. Modeling the characteristics of underground communication channels in the range from 1 kHz to 10 MHz at different rock moisture and porosity is the goal of a scientific article. The analysis took into account the following factors: attenuation of electromagnetic signals, antenna efficiency, noise. The use of resonant antennas allows you to match to obtain a VSWR of less than 1.2. Natural noises from the IEEE recommendations were used. As a rule, the distance between adjacent horizontal workings, for example, drifts or adits, does not exceed 100 m, therefore the length of the analyzed TTE-lines is taken equal to 50 and 100 m. As a result, estimates of budget losses in the underground communication channel through dry and wet rock, as well as wet rock with different porosity were obtained. At high frequencies, the effect of moisture and porosity on dielectric constant and conductivity is much higher than at low frequencies. The difference between the budget of the channel through dry or wet (w = 5%) rock is tens of dB. Estimates of the communication range for low-speed PSK31 channels for rocks saturated with fresh and salt waters are presented. The simulation results can be used to determine the effective zones for the location of stationary and mobile communication points of the MF range, including to provide emergency communication for miners and rescuers. At the same time, the presence of guidance lines, which are conductors of induced electromagnetic waves, will only increase the range and reliability of underground communications.
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