Ya.E. Lvovich1, A.P. Preobrazhensky2, Yu.P. Preobrazhensky3, O.N. Choporov4
1,4 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)
2,3 Voronezh Institute of High Technologies (Voronezh, Russia)
The paper considers the problem of designing telecommunication networks. It is proposed to use a multi-alternative optimization based on a simulation model of a complex telecommunications system. It is required to ensure the minimization of the message transmission time. To create it, we will introduce alternative variables. The objective function is formed, the restrictions imposed on it are indicated. When considering the objective function, the message passing hierarchy is applied. The analysis uses a simulation model. The mechanism of carrying out multi-criteria choice by variants of telecommunication systems for fuzzy given requirements is shown. It is shown how the determination of the values of linguistic variables can occur. Operations that correspond to the intersection of fuzzy sets will meet the definition of a minimum for their membership functions. A compositional inference rule is associated with satisfying an alternative that belongs to the corresponding fuzzy subset. When choosing alternatives, then for any of them it is important to determine the satisfying option. For the decision maker, the main steps of the algorithm by which he acts. Determination of probabilities is carried out, which correlate with the criteria. The normalization of the probabilities is given. The settings process will be carried out according to the values of the probabilities. There may be an option in which it is necessary to conduct an analysis regarding the possibilities for folding local criteria to the global one. An illustration of a diagram of settings of probabilistic estimates associated with preferences by local criteria is given. When the decision-maker considers that the probability values will not be outside the intervals of steady-state values, then he marks the criterion in which the least satisfactory value will be. For the values of probabilities, the process associated with the settings will take place. They relate to how the generation of random discrete values for the next step value will proceed. In calculating the probability, an iterative gradient procedure is applied. If a decision-maker for two adjacent steps will make a choice for the same criterion, then we can assume that there will be an increase in its significance by experiments. The results of the work of the simulation model are given, showing the possibility of choosing a certain option for constructing a telecommunication system.
Lvovich Ya.E., Preobrazhensky A.P., Preobrazhensky Yu.P., Choporov O.N. Optimization of characteristics of distributed telecommunication systems. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2022. V. 27. № 1. P. 39−46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202201-05 (in Russian)
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