N.I. Skripkin¹, Y.V. Polyakov², A.V. Shmelev³, A.I. Pronikov⁴
¹,³,⁴Limited-liability company SDB Pluton (Moscow, Russia)
²Joint-stock company Pluton (Moscow, Russia)
The development of radar has created a need to create various types of magnetrons with high efficiency, power from a few to hundreds of kilowatts, covering the wavelength range from a few decimeters to eight millimeters. However, the developers did not always thoroughly work out the electrodynamic system of magnetrons in order to create preferable conditions for excitation of the working mode of oscillations.
LLC SDB Pluton and JSC Pluton have considered and proposed methods for suppressing parasitic modes of oscillations in a magnetron to provide preferable conditions for exciting the principal mode of oscillations in order to stabilize his parameters, increase the reliability and faultless operation in the customer's equipment.
Methods for suppressing parasitic modes in the magnetron are considered and proposed to create preferable conditions for excitation of the working mode of vibrations in order to stabilize its parameters and increase reliability and trouble-free operation in the customer's equipment.
The computer simulation carried out gave answers to questions on creating the preferred conditions for excitation of the working mode of vibrations and approaching the single-mode excitation mode in the magnetron. It has become possible to drastically reduce the time and volume of production of experimental samples, reduce the cost of development, without losing the quality, reliability and reliability of products in operation.
Skripkin N.I., Polyakov Y.V., Shmelev A.V., Pronikov A.I. Creation of preferable conditions for excitation of the principal mode of oscillations in the magnetron. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2022. V. 27. № 1. P. 32−39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202201-03 (in Russian)
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