A.O. Kasyanov¹
¹Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
The paper is devoted to consideration of various variants of the solution of some problems of diffraction for printed arrays with anisotropic inhomogeneities. The rotation of the plane of polarization is realized by means of a twist-reflector. On the basis of computational and full-scale experiments it was shown that twist reflectors based on microstrip reflective type antenna arrays (RAA) can be quite broadband. The obvious advantage of such twist-reflectors is simplicity of the technology of their manufacture, small thickness and weight. In addition, in twist-reflectors based on printed RAA, it is possible to constructively realize the necessary phase distributions of the field on their surfaces. Thus, it becomes possible to use such twist-reflectors to create phase-correcting twist-reflectors. It is shown that introduction of impedance loads in the construction of the re-radiating elements of the printed RAA opens additional possibilities for controlling the field scattered by it. Thus, twist reflectors with improved characteristics can be realized on the basis of microstrip-pin RAA. The results of numerical studies based on the author algorithms and computational programs are presented. Besides, spatial polarizing filters and a controllable twist-reflectors based on microstrip RAA are considered. If microstrip elements of a twist-reflector contain controllable loads, then qualitatively new type of the microwave device is formed. This device enables to control polarization of the scattered field. Such devices can be named by polarizing modulators or manipulators. By means of printed RAA with elements of complex topology the spatial polarizers, which can transform electromagnetic waves with linear polarization in waves with rotating polarization and, in particular, in waves with circular polarization, are realized.
The problem of printed gratings application is considered as converters of electromagnetic waves polarization and polarizing modulators. Two directions in development of antenna engineering are considered in this paper. In each of them the scattering fields control of an antenna arrays allows essentially to expand functionalities of radio engineering sets. The first direction is the creation of auxiliary depolarizing reflectors for two-mirror reflector antennas and folded lenses. In addition, in twist-reflectors based on printed gratings, it is possible to constructively realize the necessary phase distributions of the field on their surfaces. Thus, it becomes possible to use such twist-reflectors to create phase-correcting twist-reflectors. The second direction is connected to application of antenna arrays for a reduction of a radar cross section of the radar-tracking targets. Transformation of a field polarization by an antenna array allows to achieve both these purposes. In an aspect of high cost and complexity of arrays experimental researches as a method of the analysis the mathematical simulation is selected.
Besides, it is shown that introduction of impedance loads in the construction of the re-radiating elements of the printed grating opens additional possibilities for controlling the field scattered by it. Thus, twist reflectors with improved characteristics can be realized on the basis of microstrip-pin gratings.
The given results can be used for choosing the most of rational electrodynamic structure geometry variant at decision of particular problems by antennas engineering. The possible flat arrays based on printed complicated shape elements application area is also discussed and it's shown these arrays are the very attractive type for controllable radioelectronic covers designing at microwaves. Some numerical results presented prove the possibility of a printed reflectarrays application as smart covers microwave modules.
Kasyanov A.O. EM waves polarization transformation by printed gratings at microwaves. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2022. V. 27. № 1. P. 11−31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202201-02 (in Russian)
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