S.V. Utemov1, T.U. Smagina2
1,2 MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)
The relational model in which all data accessible to the user, is organised in the form of tables is put in a basis of construction of a database of optoelectronic means, and all operations over the data are reduced to operations over these tables. In a database the technology «client-server» is used. As the server of a control system database chooses relational system Firebird. Advantages given system database concern: the minimal requirements to the equipment, a wide spectrum a component and drivers for various environments of working out, possibility of service of the big databases and a great number of users. Such structure of construction of a database allows as to expand the list хранимой in it information without change of a code of the program, and not to limit subject domain only to the set groups of optoelectronic means.
The structure of a relational automated database of optoelectronic devices (OED) is described, which allows you to store and change information about OED if necessary, select them in accordance with specified criteria, and conduct problem-oriented statistical processing of data on optoelectronic devices.
Utemov S.V., Smagina T.U. The problem-focused processing of the information on foreign optoelectronic means. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2021. V. 26. № 3. P. 64−68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604128-202103-08 (in Russian)
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